Wednesday 27 March 2013

Why You Get No Business From Your Website

Recently we have had an influx of clients wanting to know why (although they get visitors and have paid for SEO) they have never received any business leads or enquiries from their website? The first thing we do at Small Business Gurus is look at the website design. More often than not this is sufficient evidence and we have our answer.

In fact, my inspiration for writing this article was a discussion I had with a colleague today who could not understand why her business receives no website leads. Hmm, she had no idea what keywords or SEO are and she loves her website, after all she designed it herself! Yeeesh.

The bottom line is, so many business owners remain unaware of the requirements of an effective website and cannot afford to hire a consultant to fix the problem. They remain at a loss as to why they never get any business from their website. Here are just a few reasons, hopefully they answer some questions for you.


You designed the website yourself
Let's get straight to the point. You may be a fantastic psychologist, a brilliant mechanic, and in school you enjoyed art class. This does not make you a web designer. What looks aesthetically pleasing to you may not conform to web standards. When visitors reach your site they are likely to be turned off because you do not have the knowledge of web design aspects , therefore you have not applied them to your site. Get yourself an unbiased, objective opinion asap.

There is Too much content
Fact. People spend 5 seconds maximum on a website before they decide to hop off or keep looking. Your home page must grab visitors attention immediately. Content does not do this. How many of you are drawn to images before words? The human brain is designed this way. No-one will read through your content first off, no matter how well written. Keep your page content to a maximum of 200 words. See which words you can cut out . Edit the content. If you give it all away on the website, why would anyone ever need to contact you for more information? And please resist the temptation to write all about how wonderful you are on the About Us page. It turns people off. 

Your website is about marketing and not quality
Not sure about you, but I despise getting on to a website and suddenly pop up box appears asking me to sign up for some course or free book. Actually, I was on a website today with a pop up box asking if I wanted to subscribe for $1. I said no. Another pop up box - was I sure? This went on for 5 pop up boxes! Arghhh!
If you have built your website around selling and marketing, and there is no honesty or human content, you have made a mistake. If this method works for you, well done, research proves it does nothing but drive traffic away.

Your website is anti-social
I have lost count of the websites I have looked at in the past month without any social buttons. I am a social girl (online that is). If I find useful content I want to share it. This action does not just apply to blogs. Should I come across a website providing a useful tool or service, the first thing I do is share it with our 20,000 plus followers. If your website does not have social network buttons, install them. If your business does not have any social network profiles, well, that is another article altogether. It is titled 'No Social Media, No Small Business'.

Your website has no call to action
A call to action is a snipped of text, form or image, encouraging people to 'call today',' contact us', 'enquire now'. Your website should have a call to action statement on every single page. A subtle 'email our friendly customer service team for more information' does the trick.  

If you have a business website it is unlikely you require it just for show. 99% of business owners launch a website with the hope of attracting new business; 70% never get one enquiry. Don't let this happen to you. Follow the above tips and make sure your website is doing it's job for your business. If not, a small investment on improvement may just turn things around.

If your website needs an objective opinion email us at Small Business Gurus.


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