Thursday 18 April 2013

Small Business Psychic Predictions for 2013

Something very few people know about me is that I am a little bit psychic. My family and friends may read
small business predictions 2013
this and think I meant to write psychotic, but no, I do mean psychic. 
Many of my family members were christened in the spiritualist church, my grandfather possessed an amazing ability to read people and reveal their deepest darkest secrets to a room full of unsuspecting individuals (not so great when I was 16!). My great grandmother was a well known psychic but had such a dark manner and reveled in revealing nasty events (hence the reason she was never very well liked but still lived to the ripe old age of 99!).
Although I have never seen any spirits I seem to be able to read people very well and make uncanny predictions for small business owners whom I provide Intuitive Business Consulting Services to. Believe it or not, I am a bit of a sceptic myself, but I simply accept this as something I can do. I thought I would share some of my predictions in this article and also the 2013 business predictions of well known psychics from around the globe. Enjoy.

My prediction is that this year will be the year of connection. Sceptics may read this and say 'duh', however what I mean, is that the age of superficiality via social networks is coming to an end. People will crave the humanity of business and require more of an honest connection. Numbers of fans and followers will cease to matter when choosing a new business service, it will be quality over quantity. I also predict that video will overtake any form of marketing, and the better the quality of video and content, the more your business will stand out. No longer will those that succeed be the ones bragging and taking every opportunity for self promotion. Those proving they have the skills and knowledge will dominate. Introverts rejoice! It will also be the year that many business owners start craving a local community connection, so start networking in your local area and create better relationships with those that surround you. There is a resurgence of local business. June will see a huge movement in materialism. Business owners (not all but many) will start valuing support, connections and sincerity above money. Work that fills the soul will take priority over work that fills the wallet. 2013 is also the year that businesses skating on thin ice for years will be caught out and penalised legally for taking liberties.

A lot better for small business owners, especially those targeting niche markets. More business owners will carve out niche business area. 
The business coaching / life coaching businesses will no longer boom. The great coaches will survive, the mediocre will come to the forefront and close. When choosing a coach, choose someone who is an expert in their niche field.
2013 is the year for fresh and new, people need inspiration, the new will inspire the old will tire.
Miki Jacobs, Canada's No.1 Psychic

A tech company will announce in 2013 (or at the latest by summer 2014), a flexible tablet that rolls up or folds up.  While most mobile phone manufacturers are launching larger displays, Apple announces and releases a “mini iPhone” geared toward children and also under-served populations around the world.  Also, with speculation on this for several years, 2013 is the year Apple finally launches a “smart TV.” And the big news is in spite of negative reviews and a shaky launch, WINDOWS 8 sees excellent signs of catching on.

Overall for the world, we are in a two to three year cycle of rebirth, not just economically, but a repairing of the world, so to speak, in many areas of concern for individuals and societies.  Revelations will occur and renovations will begin.
Sidney Friedman, Mentalist to the Starts USA


2013 is going to be a challenging and exciting time to live if you embrace the changes and don't fight them. As a human population we are going to have to make major decisions about our lifestyles, our politics and even our economy. It really is going to be a confrontational year for corporations and governments who believe if the wheel doesn’t seem to have broken, you don't need to fix it. Unfortunately, what I'm being shown in my 2013 psychic predictions is the wheel hasn't just broken, it is hanging together by a thin thread

Green businesses will begin to expand and there will be new technologies developed to try to manage the ozone deterioration. Serious funding will be directed by private interests to curb the deterioration of our Eco-system. I see a more philanthropic attitude by the world’s wealthy. They are funding worthwhile projects without seeking any public recognition for the work they are doing. The governments of the world are not revealing they have a lot of extra money to spare in 2013 but I am shown a more cooperative approach between nations when it comes to managing the climate.

Vine, Natural Born Medium Melbourne Australia


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