Sunday 24 February 2013

So You Want To Be a Social Media Manager

The business of social media management is relatively new to the world of business.  Actually many would argue the vocation is still in it's infancy. With no formal qualification required, social media management is still finding it's feet. What makes a good social media manager? What skills are required? How to start a social media management business?
social media managerThe confusion as to what makes a qualified social media manager comes from the blurred lines of social media for personal use and  social media for business . For those qualified, seasoned professionals, there is the understanding that social media is a powerful tool for marketing managers to apply clever marketing skills and strategies. And if you are reading this article because you want to be a social media manager, you must have the understanding that without marketing skills your business may not be the success you would hope.

What Makes a Great Social Media Manager
Tough question.
It depends on who you ask. There are truly some upcoming superstars of social media, if you want to learn the tricks of the trade I can certainly recommend connecting with the following:
As a social media manager myself, and having worked with multiple social media managers, I would strongly advocate that a great social media manager must have the following skills and qualities:
  • Marketing skills and experience
  • Knowledge of successful marketing strategies for various industries
  • A passion for social media (personally and professionally)
  • Advanced knowledge of the Key Social Networks - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, knowledge that includes analytics, design processes, technology & SEO strategies
  • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to listen to clients needs
  • Experience in ROI Measurement
  • Report preparation skills
  • Passion for learning 
  • Creative skills
  • Project management skills and experience
  • Knowledge and experience with marketing budgets
  • Ability to communicate with all people 
Knowing How To Use Facebook is Not Good Enough
If the inspiration for your decision to become a social media manager has come from the hours you have spent posting funnies on Facebook, or memorable quotes on Twitter, then please take a step back and invest in some education.
Every single social media manager will tell you they have worked hard to obtain skills in marketing, business development, writing and strategic campaign development that contribute largely to their social media business success. However, at the end of the day, unless you are promoting your own business, the hard work is for your clients. As a social media manager you commit yourself to creating successful marketing campaigns and promotional activities using the power of social media; not the other way around. Social Media does not do the work for you. Your skills and knowledge take the tools offered by social networks and use them to your advantage.

Your Personal Brand Matters
In all industries a brand name matters. Think McDonalds, Virgin, Jack Daniels, these are brand names we all know without requiring any further explanation.
When  you are a Social Media Manager, your personal brand matters. It will be your name that takes you to the top. So the number one trait you must have is integrity.
Do not promise what you cannot deliver. If your design skills are not up to scratch then find a contractor to outsource that part of your work. There are also copywriters that can make a strong impact. However, you must be ethical. Promote your clients services the right way. There is a difference between promoting and stretching the truth. 

The bottom line? If you want to be a social media manager then make sure social media is not the only skill you have.

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