Monday 25 February 2013

Guide to Small Business Online Success

I regularly hold social media workshops, and the question I am asked most is which social networks a small business should join to promote their business.

My answer is never the same. If there is one thing I have learnt working with social media and online technology is never to offer advice before knowing more about the business.  However, what I do say is that a business should not restrict themselves to any one social network. To build a successful brand using the power of the internet a small business must adopt a strategy which includes a number of online criteria.

The number one online priority for any small business is to have a functioning, well designed website that will drive business. There is no excuse these days, with the number of free online website builders available anyone can build a website. To not have a website for your business is being lazy.
If you do not have a website, or require an upgrade, I can tell you from the mouths of Google themselves - Wordpress is the only way to go.

If nothing else you absolutely must have business profiles (not personal, business) with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin.
Most small business owners are well aware of the Facebook and Twitter significance, yet many still wonder about Google+. If nothing else, the most important reason for joining Google+ is the fact that it belongs to the number one search engine in the world; Google. I could rave on about Google+ for hours, but for now put it on your to do list.
Linkedin is often questioned by small business owners at our workshops. People think it is more of a corporate profiler. This is not at all an accurate portrayal of Linkedin. My business alone has secured substantial new business and sales leads for us and our clients via our Linkedin connections. You can read about our amazing week where we secured $40k in new business here.
You will benefit on Linkedin by forming strategic professional connections, joining groups and getting involved in group discussions.
Many social media professionals will tell you Pinterest and You Tube are a must. They are definitely important, however to get your business moving via social media having active profiles with the Top 4 social networks is your next a strategic move.

Hmmm. Blogs. Personally, I love blogs. They are my number one resource for obtaining new business. However, unless you enjoy writing, blogs can be a scary prospect and take hours to grind out just a few junk sentences.
There is no doubt a blog is beneficial. However, do not stress yourself if writing is not a natural skill. Practice by adding a blog page to your website and creating very short pieces that provide information and expand on the services you currently offer. You will find your blog a great opportunity to provide all the extra info on your business that does not fit on your website pages. You will also be surprised at how quickly blogging becomes enjoyable.

Please remember when embarking on your online journey to keep your branding consistent. I cannot tell you how unprofessional it makes your business appear by having different images, colours, logos and taglines/slogans across various online platforms.  Brand imagery contributes to business success. People will recognise your logo when they see it time and time again. A great example of a small business doing this well is a great buddy of ours Look Up Strata. Their colours and branding is spot on no matter where you see them. This is exactly what you should be doing for your small business. You need to ensure colours match across all promotional material. Find out the exact colour used for your logo and use that colour only. Different blues, greens, reds - even by a fraction of a shade - make a difference.

Do you value your business? Is it hard for you to save for the future? Your business should be seen as an investment, one you can pass on to your children or sell upon retirement. Well here is some news for you. Did you know that a strong social media presence adds value to your business? This means your business is worth more with an active social media following. Read about how social media increases your business value  then do yourself a favour and make an investment in your business by upping your social media game today.


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